St Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church
Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
161 N. Murphy Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Texts to Services

The following texts are compiled by one of our parishioners at St Herman's (Cathy Kozachenko) - with the blessing of our Bishop (now Archbishop) Kyrill, and with a great debt of gratitude to the work and guidance of Father Gregory Williams of the St. John of Kronstadt Press (SJKP). 

If you find these service compilations useful, we ask that you pray for Father Gregory, who reposed in the Lord in October 2016.  Please also remember our parish of St. Herman of Alaska in Sunnyvale, CA. in your prayers. 

Any errors, typos, etc. are mine own for which I ask forgiveness. I am still learning the ropes.  - Cathy

19th Sunday After Pentecost - St Hilarion the Great

20th Sunday After Pentecost - St Job of Pochaev

21st Sunday After Pentecost - St. Joannicius & the HMM Nicander

22nd Sunday After Pentecost - MM Minas, Victor & Vincent_ Stephanida & St. Theodore the Studite

23rd Sunday After Pentecost - M Plato & M Romanus

24th Sunday After Pentecost - Apodosis of the Entry of the Theotokos & HM Clement of Rome

25th Sunday After Pentecost - Prophet Habbakuk

26th Sunday After Pentecost - Conception of the Theotokos





