St Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church
Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
161 N. Murphy Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94086
2nd Sunday of Lent - St Gregory Palamas

2nd Sunday of Great Lent – St Gregory Palamas

Last Sunday, the first of the Sunday of Great Lent, we commemorated the Triumph of Orthodoxy. On that day the icons of the church were brought to the center for veneration affirming how good and appropriate it is for us to honor the image of God – and by extension the image of His Holy Mother and of the saints – because God became man, He took flesh upon Himself and He truly dwelt among us. This endorsement of the place of icons within the church proclaims and enforces the Orthodox understanding of the relationship of the spiritual and the material. We do not believe in the dualistic idea that ‘spiritual equals good’ and ‘material equals bad’. It can be a great danger to assume that just because something is ‘spiritual’ that it is good… As they say: ‘All that glitters is not gold.’ Orthodoxy proclaims that God alone is good and that God’s presence in both spirit and matter can bestow His blessing upon both.

If we may say that the message of the first Sunday, the Triumph of Orthodoxy, is that God’s grace can descend upon matter and mankind – thus illumining and transforming them; then we may look to the message of this second Sunday of Great Lent, the celebration of St Gregory Palamas, as an encouragement and instruction that mankind can ascend through God’s grace to a true communion with God. Divinity put on humanity such that humanity might put on Divinity.

Before discussing that ascent through grace, let us briefly understand who St Gregory was and what controversy caused him to step forward as a defender of the Orthodox faith.

St Gregory lived in the early part of the 14th century, was raised by pious Christian parents, and received an excellent education. He demonstrated such a fine mind and was so articulate that the emperor himself offered St Gregory great honors and all worldly opportunities. But St Gregory had refined his soul as well as his mind and left all this behind to live the life of a simple monk on Mt Athos, where he dedicated his life to prayer and asceticism.

There, in the concentration of the monastic life, St Gregory experienced firsthand the spiritual blessings of stillness and quiet and prayer – from which one can calm the waves and ripples disturbing the surface of the soul and see more clearly into the kingdom of God within.

St Gregory was called from his monastic stillness to defend the Orthodox teachings about mankind’s relationship with God. There was a controversy raging at this time spearheaded by a man named Barlaam who fell prey to an overly intellectual approach and understanding of God. He taught that mankind can never have direct knowledge of God – that God was completely unapproachable to the limited reasoning of man.

Now, on the one hand, we can agree with Barlaam… the intellectual and reasoning aspect of mankind – while it can reach astonishing heights of discovery and understanding about things – still, this rational faculty of mankind is limited and can never ascend the heights of apprehending God.             

And yet, if God is so unapproachable and incomprehensible, then where does this leave us in terms of our relationship and experience of God?

St Gregory, who had himself experienced direct contact with the Grace of God, responded brilliantly – clarifying the historical and fully Orthodox teaching that while God in His essence, remains wholly other – yet mankind may indeed have direct participation of God through His energies. This clarification is extremely important in understanding Who God is and how He interacts with mankind and how mankind may interact with God.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, what does all this mean? It means that God is not distant. He is not ‘the man upstairs’ Who looks down upon us, perhaps occasionally interacting to smite us for something we have done wrong or blessing us for something we have done right. We have not been left as orphans by a Creator Who simply set things in motion. No, the Orthodox teaching and the Orthodox experience is that God is with us!

While St Gregory and the witness of the Church affirm the unknowability of the essence of God, St Gregory and the entire witness of the Church underscores the intimacy of the experience of communing directly with God through His divine energies, through His grace.

And how do we do we experience that? What does Christ tell us Himself about how we might perceive God? He tells us… ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.’ The grace and energies of God are most clearly perceived and experienced by a heart which is being purified, which comes before Him with a simple and trusting faith.

We see this demonstrated in today’s Holy Gospel wherein the friends of the paralyzed man, in their zeal and simple and trusting faith, stopped at nothing to bring their friend before the Lord to seek His healing.

May we take this Lenten season to work toward cultivating this zeal and trusting faith. It is through such trust that our hearts become purified and thus become receptive to that grace of God… His energies by which we know Him and experience our life in Him.

As the lessons of these first two Sundays of Lent have shown us… God has descended upon the earth and mankind, transforming matter by His grace-filled presence and energies – thus facilitating mankind to ascend Godward as we strive to align and unite ourselves with God. These first two Sundays speak of this descent and this ascent… next Sunday we will bow down before the meeting place of these descents and ascents – in the focal point and intersection of the life-giving Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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